Week 01 (March 22-28)


by Bonnie Kearney, RSCJ

In the midst of Lent’s wilderness and emptying
Comes a spirit driven question for each one:
Will you take on bearing the Christ to the world,
This everyday, crazy, pained world?
It will be awkward, and unacceptable, and wonderful and painful,
And it will hurt beyond the birthing into daily growth.
Is Lent a preparation for this question to me? This Lent filled with questions about will there be new life? How can this be done?
Is Lent’s emptying like every mother-to-be feeling the changes come that make room for this new, unknown life?
Like every person’s emptying for the sake of the community?
Let’s hear – and see – that YES!

For reflection: Will you take on bearing Christ to the world? Your family? Your neighbors?