Welcome to the Archives of the United States - Canada Province of the Society of the Sacred Heart.
Our holdings include documents and visuals about the mission, ministry, governance and life of the Religious of the Sacred Heart in North America and the Network of Sacred Heart Schools from 1818 to the present. We also hold the archives of the Province of the Antilles and its predecessors.
Mission Statement
The archives are the official repository of the Society of the Sacred Heart, United States – Canada Province as well as former provinces of the United States and Canada, holding records of Sacred Heart convents and communities, schools and ministries, and provincial administrations from 1818 to the present. Our mission is to preserve, maintain and make available documents that provide historical information about the religious life, ministry, and educational mission of the Society of the Sacred Heart in the United States and Canada, in order to support its ongoing mission and to preserve and communicate its heritage and facilitate living links between the mission of the Society in past and present.

Our Library
A non-circulating library of more than 7,000 volumes to support the archival holdings of the Society of the Sacred Heart, Canadian and U.S. provinces. The primary collection consists of publications of the Society of the Sacred Heart from 1826 on, as well as theses, dissertations, and publications of members of the Society and alumnae, and supporting works of theological and historical interest. Of interest to family researchers are the Annual Letters, containing biographies of most of the deceased Religious of the Sacred Heart throughout the world from 1805-1964.
Information for researchers
- Policies for Researchers (pdf)
- Application for Research (pdf)
- Record of Research Visit Form (pdf)