On behalf of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools board, it is my pleasure to announce that Dr. Korin Visocchi has accepted the position of Executive Director of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools. She is currently the Associate Head of School at Academy of the Sacred Heart in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Dr. Visocchi will start in this position on February 1, 2021. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Visocchi as she starts this exciting new chapter in her career.
Dr. Visocchi brings a wealth of experience to this position. She has more than 10 years of experience in teaching and educational leadership at the Academy of the Sacred Heart in Bloomfield Hills. Currently associate head and chief learning officer at the Academy, Dr. Visocchi is responsible for all aspects of the school's academic programs and for overseeing six school leaders and hiring for mission. In past roles, she has taught high school history and served as director of student exchange. Dr. Visocchi has worked as an instructional strategist, assessing instructional effectiveness and developing professional development programs for teachers. She has B.A., B.S. and M.A. degrees as well as an Ed.S. and a Ph.D.. Her Ph.D. dissertation explored the leadership of Sacred Heart Schools: "Wholehearted Leaders in Sacred Heart Schools: the Lived Experience of Women Leaders in Sacred Heart Schools."
The Network board undertook an extensive internal search to identify the potential candidates from within the Network. The response was overwhelmingly positive. We had many very qualified applicants. Every applicant was interviewed. The Board reviewed the candidates and chose to interview four finalists. The process was very affirming because it became obvious that we have an amazing number of incredibly talented people in the Network. We hope we will be able to tap into this talent to help us move the Network forward.
Thank you for your support during this process.
Beth Hicks