Provincial Suzanne Cooke, RSCJ, and her team of Sisters Maureen Glavin, Paula Gruner, Mary Kay Hunyady  and Lynne Lieux provide leadership and set direction for the United States – Canada Province.

Suzanne Cooke, RSCJ

Before being named Provincial in 2021, Sister Cooke served as the head of the Conference of Sacred Heart Education and has held numerous leadership positions as an educator. Notably, she served as head of school at Forest Ridge School of the Sacred Heart in Bellevue, Washington, from 1990-1998, and at Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart in Miami, Florida, from 1998-2015. She has served on the board of trustees at several member schools in the Network of Sacred Heart Schools and as a member of the Sacred Heart Commission on Goals (SHCOG), the Network of Sacred Heart Schools board, the Northwest Association of Independent Schools and Florida Council of Independent Schools.

In 2000 and 2016, Sister Cooke was a USC Province delegate to the General Chapter of the Society of the Sacred Heart, the governing body of the international Society that represents all RSCJ. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English and history, cum laude, from Manhattanville College in Purchase, New York, and an interdisciplinary Master of Arts in social sciences from the University of Chicago.


Maureen Glavin , RSCJ

Maureen Glavin is originally from upstate New York. Among her past ministries in the Society, Sister Glavin served as a math and science teacher, an assistant principal of Our Lady of Guadalupe School in Houston, Texas, and as director of the junior high school at Carrollton School of the Sacred Heart in Miami, Florida. For 13 years, she was head of school at the Academy of the Sacred Heart in St. Charles, Missouri. She served on the Society’s provincial Bicentennial Planning Committee for the bicentennial celebrations in 2018. Sister Glavin was on the United States – Canada provincial team from 2018 to 2021. She currently lives in Indonesia, where she serves on the leadership team of the Society’s District of Indonesia.

Early in her career, before entering the Society, Sister Glavin worked as a technical specialist in a pharmacology lab at Upstate Medical Center and as a teacher in eastern United States schools. She was a lay volunteer at a junior seminary in Tanzania, East Africa, serving as an instructor of secondary level English, math and science. Sister Glavin was also on the boards of Villa Duchesne School of the Sacred Heart in St. Louis and the School of the Sacred Heart in Montreal.

She earned a bachelor’s in chemistry from St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, and earned a master’s in theology at St. Thomas University in Houston.

Paula Gruner, RSCJ

Sister Gruner was born and raised in south central Ohio. She has served as a trustee of several member schools of the Network of Sacred Schools. Currently, she is on the Board of Trustees of Maryville University, in St. Louis, Missouri, and on the Board of Governors of the Sacred Heart School of Halifax in Nova Scotia. She has held positions within the Network of Sacred Heart Schools at Josephinum Academy in Chicago and Schools of the Sacred Heart in San Francisco, and Doane Stuart School in Albany, a former school of the Network. She was the assistant treasurer and accounting manager for the former United States Province, the assistant to the provincial bursar for the Uganda – Kenya Province, and the business manager for Sprout Creek Farm, a formerly sponsored ministry of the Society in Poughkeepsie, New York.

 Sister Gruner is currently serving as the canonical treasurer of the Antilles Province of the Society of the Sacred Heart (Puerto Rico, Haiti and Cuba) and, most recently, was a delegate of the United States – Canada Province at the Society’s General Chapter 2024 in Nemi, Italy.

She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in religion from Capital University in Bexley, Ohio, a Master of Divinity degree from the Methodist Theological School in Delaware, Ohio, and a master’s in business administration from DePaul University in Chicago.

 Mary Kay Hunyady, RSCJ

A graduate of Barat College of the Sacred Heart, Mary Kay Hunyady entered the Society in 1978 and taught religion at Duchesne Academy in Omaha, Nebraska, Academy of the Sacred Heart in Grand Coteau and Woodlands Academy in Lake Forest, Illinois, where she was also campus minister and in charge of the social awareness program. Sister Hunyady then became involved in community and political organizing around issues of social justice and compassion. She pursued these areas of ministry for several years during which she was arrested several times for acts of civil disobedience and spent time in jail, though never having to spend the night.

After final profession in the Society in Rome in 1987, she moved to the San Francisco Bay Area to continue working on social justice issues in diverse ways. Ultimately, she decided to focus on individuals, couples and families through work in psychology and began doctoral studies in psychology in Berkeley, California.

She holds a Bachelor of Arts in religious studies and the humanities from Barat College, a master’s in education from Boston College, and a master’s and a doctorate in psychology from the Wright Institute in Berkeley. She is a licensed psychologist in the state of California and a trained spiritual director. She continues her work in both fields.

Lynne Lieux, RSCJ

Sister Lieux attended the Academy of the Sacred Heart in Grand Coteau, Louisiana, as a boarder. After receiving her bachelor's degree in mathematics from Maryville University in St. Louis, Missouri, she spent her first year in the Society at Villa Duchesne School of the Sacred Heart in St. Louis teaching math and physics. She received her master’s degree in physics from Washington University in St. Louis and her doctorate in educational administration from the University of New Orleans.

Sister Lieux has worked in the Network of Sacred Heart Schools as a teacher, dean of students, upper school head, and head of school. She has also served as an adjunct professor in the graduate education program at the University of New Orleans and has worked with the Jacobs Institute on Innovation in Education at the University of San Diego.

She is currently a trustee of the Academy of the Sacred Heart in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, the Academy of the Sacred Heart in New Orleans, The Regis School of the Sacred Heart in Houston, and Maryville University. She has served on the provincial team of the United States – Canada Province since 2021.