Music in the Worship of an African American Catholic Community
A defining example of liturgical ethnography, A Precious Fountain probes the rich particularity of one worshiping community-Our Lady of Lourdes, San Francisco-whose roots and practice are at once Black and Catholic.
Written by Mary McGann, RSCJ, Ph.D., currently assistant professor of liturgy and music at the Franciscan School of Theology/Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California. © 2004 If you are interested in purchasing this book please check your local book stores or visit www.amazon.com - this is a must read.
See below for a page of photos from the January 16th, 2005 celebration and the book. (Color Photos by Irma Dillard, RSCJ; Black&White Photos by Mary McGann, RSCJ & Captured from video by Irma Dillard, RSCJ)
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