As the new school year begins, we offer some prayers for our Sacred Heart students, teachers, staff, parents and trustees:
In the words of Janet Erskine Stuart, RSCJ:
Heavenly Father, unseen Companion of our life,
give us faith and eager expectancy
as we begin this fresh stage of our journey.
Take from us all fear of the unknown
and teach us to wrest treasures from the darkness.
As the days come and go,
may we find that each one is laden
with many opportunities and enriching experiences;
And when this year is ended
May our best hopes be more than ever fulfilled.
From an unknown author*
God of our past, our present and our future,
God of our dreams, our designs and our decisions,
Be love in us as we journey through this new school year.
Be our inner vision, that we may see life through your eyes,
Be our inner hearing, that we may listen well for your call,
Be our inner judgment, so we may discern clearly that which gives life,
Promotes growth, and nurtures love.
As we move into this school year,
fill us with hope and abiding trust that you dwell in us,
So that, in both joy and sorrow, we radiate hope.
From the Academy of the Sacred Heart, New Orleans (The Rosary)
Loving God, we come to you at this new beginning of the school year.
We have been many places during the summer
and our journey has brought us back to this place and to this time together.
We know that this is not by accident, but by your intimate design for each of us.
As we turn towards you at the beginning of this year as a school community,
we begin by saying thank you—
thank you for this call to service in this (Sacred Heart) community.
Thank you for where we are on our journey
and for the journey ahead.
Thank you for where we are on the path of our life.
Be with us as we begin the year.
Steady our hearts and our minds to be open
to what is being constantly revealed through your loving presence.
Give us joy-filled hearts--
a warm and friendly attitude that is open to the movement of your spirit and to others.
Help us to be open and ready to respond to what is needed
by our students, our parents, our alums, our adult community,
and the wider communities of the city and Sacred Heart family.
In you, we place our trust as we ask these thing through Christ our Lord.
* If you know the author of this prayer, please contact us!