Week 08 (May 10-16)

Artwork by Katie Roeck, Associate
We are called ...
by Lori Wilson, Associate
We are called to walk as beatitude people – to see God in all of creation.
Why do I find that so difficult to do at times?
We are called to be food and drink for those who hunger and thirst.
Help me to be bread for the growing number of poor in our world.
We are called to be pure of heart – to be steadfast in our desire for God.
Help me to honor those who worship You in ways other than my own.
We are called to be peacemakers.
Help me to find You in those who are violent in their confrontation.
We are called to be humble.
Help me to see that even the most confident need You as I do.
We are called to mourn our losses, and lately, there have been so many.
Help me to see another person’s loss as I deal with my own and to meet You in their pain.
We are called to be meek of heart, to use our strength with calm and control.
Help me to see the meek and recognize You in their leadership.
We are called to be prepared to be persecuted and misunderstood.
To be beatitude people open to seeing You and encountering You in all.
Maybe we aren’t called but rather invited ... Amen