Become an Associate
Associates of the Sacred Heart are women and men who are attracted by and live the spirituality of the Society of the Sacred Heart. There is a profound sense of mutuality between RSCJ and Associates because our common mission is to discover and make known the love of the heart of Jesus. We give witness to the love of God expressed in Jesus, in humanity, and in creation. This love calls us to collaborate in God’s transformation of our lives and the world around us.
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Become a Religious of the Sacred Heart
For many people the call to become a Sister is a growing awareness that religious life will bring them the most joy and a sense of fulfillment in their lives. You may realize that a life of service is the best use of your gifts and talents. This call may be sudden or a gradual process.
As you think about a possible life-choice for a vowed religious life, we invite you to learn more about the Sacred Heart charism, our priorities, and the ways that we live and respond to addressing the problems and needs of our world today
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Connect with our Young Adult Ministry
SacredHeartDNA is a group of Religious of the Sacred Heart (RSCJ) and young people (ages 17- 35) connected by the Society of the Sacred Heart’s mission and work. This group aims to create spaces and opportunities for young people to engage with RSCJ and others rooted in a shared purpose that is unique to Sacred Heart.
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Sign up to receive the United States – Canada Province First Friday reflections during ordinary time, major Sacred Heart Feast days, Advent and Lenten reflections, along with our monthly e-newsletter Heartbeat. Sign up to receive our print communications like Heart magazine. You may also change your subscription preferences, go paperless, or unsubscribe.
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Find an RSCJ
If you wish to reconnect with an RSCJ, please fill out the form linked below to let us know. We will do our best to put you in touch.
Find an RSCJRequest a prayer
Request a prayer from our sisters. Prayer requests go through an approval process to make sure nothing inappropriate is posted to our website, but you can expect your request will be sent to and viewable only by the RSCJ within 24-72 hours (please note that a lay staff member reviews each prayer request. Request sent over the weekend will not be seen until the following Monday.)