Our Province welcoming communities are intentional communities that offer a variety of programs, gatherings, retreats, volunteer opportunities and accommodation options for young adults committed to social justice and spiritual growth. There are four welcoming communities run by Religious of the Sacred Heart located in the United States.

Sophia House

Outreach to women and young adults in Berkeley, California

Sophia House is a welcoming community located in Berkeley, California. The mission of Sophia House is to reach out to women and young adults in the greater San Francisco Bay area. Currently, five Religious of the Sacred Heart (RSCJ) live in the community. The community at Sophia House places an emphasis on simplicity of life, care for the environment, contemplation and community life. RSCJ regularly welcome people to Sophia House, as individuals and groups, for prayer, meals, discussion, and celebrations. Each RSCJ community member carries out her own ministry, but each has also committed herself to the shared ministry of the House.

For more information on visiting Sophia House, contact Mary Jo McFayden, RSCJ.

Anne Montgomery House

Welcoming young adults in Washington, D.C.

Anne Montgomery House is an intentional community located in Washington, D.C. founded to provide a one-year experience of community living for young women interested in spirituality and justice. The house is named for Anne Montgomery, RSCJ, a dedicated peacemaker who lived her Sacred Heart spirituality primarily through volunteer work with two groups: Christian Peacemaker Teams bringing peace to war-torn regions worldwide, and the Plowshares Movement, working for nuclear disarmament through nonviolent protest.  

Two Religious of the Sacred Heart live in the community – Sisters Diane Roche and Clare Pratt. There is room for between 2 and 4 young adult community members. Every member of the community contributes actively to social justice in some way, whether it be advocacy, protest, community organizing, or some forms of direct service. Organizations where members are (or have been) involved include, Sojourner Magazine, Network Lobby, Center for American Progress, (CAP) and the Stuart Center, a ministry of the Society of the Sacred Heart USC Province.

Typical community activities at Anne Montgomery House include:

  • two liturgies, one at the start of the year and one near the end
  • community morning prayer and reflection Monday through Friday 
  • three evenings of Taizé prayer a year
  • workshops on topics such as discernment and centering prayer  
  • gatherings of young adults for sharing over a meal
  • neighborhood engagement
  • composting and recycling
  • partnering with groups such as the Dorothy Day Catholic Worker, Living Wages, the Franciscan Action Network, Little Friends for Peace, and the Associates of the Society of the Sacred Heart

All members of the Anne Montgomery community help prepare meals, lead prayer and help with household chores. When we are not hosting events in the house, we maintain a moderately quiet atmosphere conducive to prayer and study.

Interested in living in community with RSCJ?

The application process for Anne Montgomery House begins each March and consists of a written application which, if approved, is followed by an interview (either in person or by video call). The cost for participation varies, but can range from $510/month for a shared room to $700/month for a private room. The monthly fee included program costs, utilities, food, internet and housing. 

To inquire or for questions, please contact Diane Roche, RSCJ.

Heart of Oak Community

In the Heart of Oak community in Newton, Massachusetts, we create space to share our spirituality and mission as Religious of the Sacred Heart with young adults who teach us in turn about their deep longings, struggles, and hopes for a world ever new. 

For more information contact Sister Barbara Quinn, RSCJ at bquinn@rscj.org.

​Rebecca House

Rebecca House is an RSCJ community located in White Plains, New York and committed to welcoming young adults seeking an experience of community, reflection and social action. Short- and long-term volunteers ages 21-30 from the U.S. and abroad are welcome! For more information contact Reyna González, RSCJ, or Imma De Stefanis, RSCJ.