We are the United States – Canada (USC) Province of the Society of the Sacred Heart, part of an international congregation of Catholic women. Founded in 1800 by Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat, the Society of the Sacred Heart has more than 1,400 members (Religious of the Sacred Heart) in 43 countries. In the United States and Canada, we have 183 members in a wide variety of ministries.
The USC Province is one of 28 provinces, or established regions, that make up the international Society of the Sacred Heart.
Members of the Society, Sisters who have taken vows, are known as Religious of the Sacred Heart, or RSCJ (Religieuses du Sacré-Cœur de Jésus, the name in French.)
The Society of the Sacred Heart shares in this mission (of the Church)
by making known the revelation of God's love,
whose source and symbol is for us the Heart of Christ.
We participate in the mission of the Church
through the service of education
which is our way of continuing the work of Christ.
— Constitutions of the Society of the Sacred Heart, §3