Are you a woman who wants to embody hope and embrace our blessed and broken world?

Community is a core value to the Society of the Sacred Heart. Not only do Religious of the Sacred Heart (RSCJ) live in community, they seek to build community within their respective ministries. Associates center around and grow together in community, whether in regional groups or virtually. Educators and students of Network of Sacred Heart Schools commit to the building of community as a Christian value, goal 3 of Sacred Heart Education. The Society's partners and collaborators in the mission of revealing God's love participate in community in some way, shape or form.

All that the religious of the Sacred Heart (RSCJ) do in their lives and their ministries is done with the heart of an educator, whether it is in a school setting or elsewhere. This commitment to educate young people and to empower them to have a transformative influence on their own lives and on the greater community stems from our founder, Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat.
Saint Madeleine Sophie chose to express this conviction through the service of education, especially of the young.

Our world is constantly changing. Our founder, Saint Madeleine Sophie, knew only too well the demands of such a world, living as she did during Revolutionary France of the late 1700s. She cultivated, as we must, the personal skills needed to thrive in an environment of near permanent change.

Social Justice
From our contemplation of the Pierced Heart of Jesus in the heart of wounded humanity flows the desire to commit ourselves with greater passion and compassion to justice, peace, and the integrity of creation (JPIC).
The pursuit of justice, peace, and integrity of creation permeates all aspects of our lives as Religious of the Sacred Heart. The Society includes these in the criteria used for discerning our relationships, ministries, and commitments. In so doing, all our choices are marked by Gospel values.