On Friday, June 29, 2018, a sculpture of Saint Philippine was unveiled and blessed by the Most Rev. Robert J. Carlson, archbishop of St. Louis, and Sheila Hammond, RSCJ, provincial of the Society of the Sacred Heart, United States-Canada Province. Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne is one of the patron saints of the Archdiocese of St. Louis. Two years ago, the chair of the Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis garden committee had a reoccurring dream that Philippine needed to be represented in the garden. She mentioned that dream to Shirley Miller, RSCJ, who shared it with the bicentennial committee. Many hands and a sizable donation helped to make that dream a reality – just as Philippine had a dream of coming to the New World! The sculpture depicts Philippine seated with a map of the Louisiana Territory from the early 1800s on her lap. She is life-sized and in her mid-40s, her age when she left France to come to America. Two matching benches for visitors to sit with Philippine are part of the piece. The Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis is located at 4431 Lindell Blvd. The garden is between the Cathedral and the rectory. The artist awarded the commission was Gianfranco Tassara of Inspired Artisans in Milwaukee. The sculpture is dedicated in memory of Gertrude (Trudy) Buholzer Busch as a gift from her children, Trudy Valentine, Billy Busch and Adolphus Busch. The benches are a gift from the Associated Alumnae/i of the Sacred Heart (AASH). Two pear trees will be planted near the sculpture in honor of the Provincial Leadership Team 2015-2018, donated by the provincial office staff. The plaque describing Philippine is a gift from the Villa Duchesne-City House Alumnae Association, who also provided the reception following the blessing.