The Duchesne Fund For Ministry aims to benefit organizations that have a relationship with an individual Religious of the Sacred Heart (RSCJ) or Associate of the Society of the Sacred Heart. Grants are awarded for projects primarily serving under-resourced and marginalized communities within the United States. (The Society’s International Solidarity Fund, Canadian Donation Fund, and some Network schools fund projects outside the United States.)
As members of the Society of the Sacred Heart, we are committed to addressing the needs of those who suffer from injustice. The Society of the Sacred Heart Constitutions state: “Wherever we are sent, whatever our work may be, our lives will be inspired by the love of the Heart of Jesus…expressed in a thirst for working towards justice and peace in the world in response to the cry of the poor.” (Society of the Sacred Heart Constitutions, §13)
Following the calls of the General Chapters of 2008 and 2016, the province collaborates with other organizations to assist those who search for justice, those who seek meaning in their lives, and those who have been hurt, displaced, or excluded. Duchesne Fund for Ministry grants are awarded to projects that primarily benefit: women; children; young adults; migrants and refugees; and undocumented persons who suffer the effects of: poverty; marginalization; human trafficking; homelessness; environmental hazards; racism; and violence.
Applications for 2025 are now available (click below to download)

Projects We Have Supported (2018-2022)
Archbishop Carroll High School
Washington, D.C
Project: Improving Internet Connectivity; Second Step Social-Emotional Learning Curriculum
ARISE (A Resource in Serving Equality) Adelante and MACC (Mexican American Catholic College)
Alamo, Texas and San Antonio, Texas
Projects: PuenTec: Building an Educational Bridge and people bridge between MACC and ARISE via educational technology, focused meetings and visits; Mensajes: Renovando Nuestra Historia
ARISE (A Resource in Serving Equality) Adelante
Alamo, Texas
Project: Summer Program 2022
Assisi House
St. Louis, Missouri
Projects: Expanding housing capacity and services provided to residents, operations
Bethany House of Hospitality
Chicago, Illinois
Projects: Offering housing and support services to young immigrant women as they journey to independence; student living expenses
Casa Esperanza Project
Chicago, Illinois
Projects: Economic Independence University; Health and Nutrition workshop for those who experience homelessness
Centro de Recursos Educativos para Adultos, Inc, (Center for Adult Education) CREA
New York, New York
Project: Adult Education Programs
Catholic Academy of Bridgeport
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Projects: Integrating emotional learning into our Schools to Help Students Succeed; BEDI (Belonging, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion) Literacy Initiative
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington
Washington, D.C.
Project: Refugee Services Center
Catholic Mobilizing Network
Washington, D.C.
Project: Website Reimagining
Children's Hospital in New Orleans
New Orleans, Louisiana
Project: Providing care for the whole child: Body, Mind & Creative Spirit
Cornelia Connelly Center
New York, New York
Project: Sprout Creek Capstone Field Trip
Duchesne House and Community Book Center
New Orleans, Louisiana
Project: Remembering and Celebrating: Intergenerational Tools and Practice for Documenting Family and Community History
Have Truth Ministry
Houston, Texas
Project: Indian Reservation Public Awareness & Education on Poverty and Human Trafficking Issues
Friends of Old St. Ferdinand
Florissant, Missouri
Project: Old St. Ferdinand's Education Program
Ignatian Spirituality Project – Boston
Boston, Massachussettes
Project: Spiritual retreats for men and women living on the margins (ongoing)
Josephinum Academy of the Sacred Heart
Chicago, Illinois
Project: Student Support Initiatives (ongoing)
Joseph's House and Shelter
Troy, New York
Project: Prison Re-Entry
La Posada Providencia
San Benito, Texas
Projects: Client Self-Sufficiency Program; General Operating Support - Emergency Shelter and Client Case Management
Little Sisters of the Assumption (LSA) Family Health Services
New York, New York
Projects: Advocacy and Food Pantry; Emergency Shelter Needs
Living Wages
Washington, DC
Project: Living Wages Adult Education Program: Keys to Success
Marian Middle School
St. Louis, Missouri
Projects: Enrichment Programs; Summer Academy
National Farm Worker Ministry
Raleigh, North Carolina
Projects: Harvest of Justice; Reduce Child Labor in Agriculture
Our Lady's School
San Diego, California
Project: Religion and Integration of Societal Education
RDC Center for Counseling and Human Development
White Plains, New York
Project: Bilingual Mother Daughter Group
Sheridan Road Alumni Association
Chicago, Illinois
Project: Tomás Diaz-Lee Memorial Fund for Experiential Learning
Southwest Chicago Homeless Services
Chicago, Illinois
Projects: Serving the needs of individuals who are homeless/housing insecure women and their children; homelessness prevention and housing -placement
St. Cecilia School and Academy
St. Louis, Missouri
Projects: Maker Space Co-laboratory; Technology and Professional Development for Faculty and Staff
St. Bernard Project (SBP)
New Orleans, Louisiana
Project: Ms. Johnigan's Home
St. Elizabeth Elementary School
Oakland, California
Project: Garden of Learning – Program Restoration
St. Madeleine Sophie Center (SMSC)
El Cajon, California
Projects: An exercise rehabilitation scholarship program for low-income individuals with physical and developmental disabilities; Mobility Training for Adults with Disabilities; Pool Chair Lift for the Center's Aquatics Center
St. Louis Area Women Religious Collaborative Ministries
St. Louis, Missouri
Project: English Tutoring Project
St. Louis Inter-Faith Committee on Latin America (IFCLA)
St. Louis, Missouri
Projects: Migration Justice: Sanctuary, Solidarity and Support; Asylum Accompaniment: A Project of Hope and Justice; Conciendo la migra: Tools to advocate for yourself and others
Students without Limits
San Diego, California
Project: Supporting Immigrant Youth in Crisis
Thensted Center
Grand Coteau, Louisiana
Projects: Empowering Seniors Program – Senior Volunteers; Children's Learning Program; Summer Renaissance Learning Program for Underserved Youth; Empowering Seniors Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic; Youth Learning & Enrichment Services Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic; Expansion of Services for Vulnerable Senior Citizens; Youth Services for Underserved Children
The Little Bit Foundation
St. Louis, Missouri
Project: Little Bit Literacy Programs
Turning Around Ministries
Newport, Rhode Island
Project: The Next Step
Washington Interfaith Network
Washington, D.C.
Fighting Displacement and Deportation in the District