In 2006 Marianist Brother Melvin Meyer was commissioned to create a piece of sculpture for Barat Academy, a school outside St. Louis which would open a year later. Because of his great devotion to the Sacred Heart, Brother Mel was inspired to create a metal sculpture of the Sacred Heart which would “intersect the usual with the unusual.” That he did.
When I first saw the statue it was displayed outside in a huge courtyard area. Truth be told, I thought it was bizarre at best. It was unusual but I could not “see” the usual. But once it was placed in its home at Barat Academy it took on a different look. Whenever I contemplated it, the “eye” seemed to be drawing me to the heart. As I passed it daily, the sculpture was gradually becoming a symbol of passion and energy. I began to stare at it in awe. The heart of the statue was beating.
Then one day my friend showed me an ultrasound image of her first child. The child was six millimeters long on the day of that ultrasound. Again, I stared in awe at the little cluster of cells, beating with an overwhelming impulse for life. It reminded me of Brother Mel’s Sacred Heart – a call to life, passion, energy, and unlimited potential.
What symbol of the Sacred Heart of Jesus inspires you?
Deep within the core of who you are do you find direction, purpose, and empowerment when you spend time before the Sacred Heart?
Reflection by Debby WatsonAssociate of the Sacred HeartPresident, Barat Academy
Image by Br. Mel Meyer, SM