This bronze statue of Christ and the child is located in a narrow courtyard on the campus of Saint Louis University, not far from the United States-Canada Provincial House. The sculptor, James Michael Maher, wrote about it:
I wanted a piece that would embody the idea of the Sacred Heart and convey the essence of the mission to bring Christ’s love and compassion to all. I think it has a lot to do with seeing the parent/child relationship from both sides, and relating that to being a child of God.
While working on the piece, I had a space in a local museum where visitors could come by and watch. One day a woman came in, walked up to me and with tears in her eyes said, "cor ad cor loquitor." Heart speaks to heart. I knew then that that should be the title of the work.
And so we pray this First Friday:
Winter stone and silenceYet … speaking One to one, to meI pray:
Let me carry this Love,Let It emerge this AdventOne to another, Heart to heartInto the courtyard of my life
Into the courtyard of your lifeAnd outward cor ad corThroughout the world -Wide day
Our hearts glowing withYourloveChristLoveOne only Love
Cor ad corWord incarnate,Come, and do not delay.Heart, my Hearrt.