What would Mater, in her old age, want to say to us, her adult children, today?
“The Book is gone—contents mastered.The work basket is closed—work finished.The distaff is behind me, no longer useful.The altar cloth has been completed.Behind me, the sanctuary is readied.My eyes are focused upwards.
The eternal nuptials are soon to take place. I have completed the work God gave me to do.
In the early years, I prepared for the coming of Jesus into our home. In the photo of my youth, all was anticipated in the NOW. My gaze was inward, on the Life I carried within. I grew to know Him as I pondered the Scriptures, as I wove his garments, as I pondered the wonders of Divine Motherhood.
In my old age, I can say, exultantly, ‘It is finished.’ Jesus came into the sanctuary of our home. At first He followed me, but then the day came when I followed Him. Indeed, I suffered and died with Him. And now I sense that He is coming to take me home, to be united with Him, his Heavenly Father, and His Holy Spirit forever.
Dear children, I have only one message for you today: FOLLOW HIM.”
~ Mary Ann Foy