In a letter dated October 27, 2014, Margo Bieker, chair of the head of school search committee, wrote:
It gives me great pleasure to announce the selection of Meg Huerter Brudney as Duchesne Academy’s next Head of School. After a national search that began last April and included extraordinary participation from the entire school community, the Search Committee presented Meg as its unanimous choice to the Board, who accepted the Committee’s recommendation with unanimity and enthusiasm. Meg will begin her duties on June 1, 2015. We look forward to having Meg’s family, Jim Brudney, her husband; and their two daughters, Quin and Hannah, join our community. Throughout the process, the Search Committee was guided by the charge that Duchesne hire a faith-filled, inspirational leader with excellent community building skills, deep understanding of the Sacred Heart tradition, a commitment to academic excellence, and fearless advancement approaches. Meg Brudney met all of these expectations, and she brings extensive knowledge of Duchesne from her time here as a student, then as Director of Admissions. In addition, Meg is a pragmatic businesswoman and innovator who works collaboratively with all constituencies. As an Executive Director of the Cristo Rey Jesuit High School in Minneapolis, Meg partners with more than 100 companies to hire Cristo Rey students as part of a work study program and oversees the operations of helping more than 300 students be successful at work. She commits herself and her students to a personal and active faith in God. Meg expanded and highlighted the values and reputation of the school, which prepares students for college and careers after high school embracing a deep respect for intellectual values and forms them into responsible learners, workers, and citizens. In her previous role as the Director of Marketing and Communications at a large hospital system in the Twin Cities and as a healthcare strategic marketing consultant, Meg enhanced the work and reputation of her organizations through her leadership skills and vision. She knows that she wants to return to the academic and spiritual life that gave her a beginning, so she has come full circle to lead her alma mater and to build on the excellence of Sacred Heart heritage and tradition while focusing on the needs of the 21st century student. A graduate of Duchesne, Class of 1983, Meg is also a Duchesne Prize winner and a faith-filled Catholic woman. Describing her decision to return to Duchesne, Meg reflects, “It is more than a position; it is my calling. The alumnae who have reached out to encourage my candidacy have been true foundations and support. I am overwhelmed and humbled by the kindness.” Parents who met her described her as “well spoken, thoughtful, and exuding leadership.” Faculty note that her background in education and business make her an ideal candidate for Duchesne. Members of the Search Committee and the Board were both inspired and touched by her enthusiasm, her warmth, her expertise, and her knowledge. As Madeleine Sophie Barat tells us, “The heart’s best security is trust in God alone.” God’s path has led Meg home to lead Duchesne forward with courage, confidence and conscience. For more than 130 years, people of good will have loved and supported Duchesne. The constant thread in the Sacred Heart tapestry has been our call to challenge the spiritual, intellectual, physical, and emotional dimensions of young women within an environment where each girl comes to experience God’s love for her, and she, in return, seeks to reveal God’s love to others. Meg Brudney is coming home to continue that mission. Thank you for welcoming Meg back to Duchesne and Omaha. We appreciate your dedication and support of our search, which has brought us an exemplary Sacred Heart leader. Sincerely, Margo Bieker Search Committee Chair Search Committee Members Todd Foje Eric Krakowski Michon Marcil-Abts Mary Moeschler Georgeann Parizak, RSCJ Ron Quinn Molly Schropp, Chair, Board of Trustees Sam Sciortino David Treinan Beth Gorup, advisor