The Society of the Sacred Heart United States – Canada Province is pleased to announce the launch of its new book: Seeking the One Whom We Love: How RSCJs Pray. This collection of essays features 55 members of the RSCJ sharing their answer to the most personal question: “How do you pray?” Their moving, personal answers provide an opportunity to look into your own interior life as they share how they move towards deeper communion with God.
Comments about the book hint at its content. “Now, in this beautiful new collection we are invited into the interior lives of many of these remarkable women, who through their words and deeds, teach us how to pray,” wrote James Martin, SJ.
Seeking the One Whom We Love…“will give you 55 lived experiences of prayer to guide your own spiritual journey and to grow your soul as you go,” shared Joan Chittister, OSB.
The book is now available on Amazon.