2022 Mission Advancement Annual Report

With gratitude in our hearts, we share the 2022 Mission Advancement Report. Thank you to all of our donors for joining us in our mission to be the love of the Sacred Heart in our world!

Prophetic Witnesses to Joy

A life of consecration prefigures what Christians hope for by calling into question the value of power, sexuality and material possessions. Religious life challenges the idea that these things alone bring happiness and shows that we can be more fulfilled, happier and more whole without being attached to them. Furthermore, detaching ourselves from these desires allows others to live with more dignity and greater ease, as well. Consecrated life, then, is a prophetic witness to the joy of the eschatological call of Christianity.

Le Petit Musée and the Shrine of Saint John Berchmans Brochure

Le Petit Musée is a museum dedicated to the history of the Academy of the Sacred Heart in Grand Coteau, Louisiana. The Catholic school for girls was founded, in 1821, by the Religious of the Sacred Heart (RSCJ) under the direction of Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne and has been in continuous operation since. The Shrine of Saint John Berchmans sits on the site of the 1866 miraculous cure of a Religious of the Sacred Heart.
