Heart Magazine - Spring 2006 (Vol. 4, No. 1)

This issue of Heart arrives during the Easter season. We most often experience Easter as the culmination of the journey of Lent, the unexpected burst of new life in the midst of grief and suffering, a gift which comes after a forty day journey of purifying our hearts, our vision, our desires, our choices. We celebrate with music, flowers, food, gathering and – we hope – a beautiful spring morning. For most of us, Easter lasts a day, perhaps two, and we return to ordinary time, hardly noticing that in the liturgical calendar Easter is fifty days long!

Heart Magazine - Winter 2005 (Vol.3, No. 3)

Since the last days of August, our minds and hearts have been filled with images of New Orleans – a city ravaged by wind and water, a people devastated by the loss of family and friends, of homes and jobs, of their very way of life.

Heart Magazine - Summer 2005 (Vol. 3, No. 2)

Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat had a great desire for her sisters and for all who would call themselves part of the family of the Sacred Heart. Generosity, she said, should characterize our lives – great-heartedness, a way of living with open hands, a lavish way of being with others in freedom of thought and expression, in giving of self and our personal gifts, in spreading love and joy without self-interest.

Heart Magazine - Spring 2005 (Vol. 3, No. 1)

The e-mails and phone calls started well before the full scope of the tragedy was known. Had we heard from the Religious of the Sacred Heart in Jakarta? Were they caught up in the devastation? What of their families and friends? Was there any word from India? Were our sisters safe? Of the twelve countries devastated by the tsunami, the Society of the Sacred Heart calls two of them home.

Heart Magazine - Winter 2004 (Vol.2, No. 3)

We are poised between two seasons as I write these lines, the season of the 2004 elections, now mercifully behind us, and the days of Advent that lie ahead. I find such a tension in the two...

Heart Magazine - Summer 2004 (Vol. 2, No. 2)

There we were, nearly one hundred Religious of the Sacred Heart from all over the world, gathered in a General Chapter in the year 2000 – gathered in Amiens, the birth place of the Society in its bicentennial year, and faced with a reality virtually without precedent in the Society's history: We admitted we could not find the right words to give fresh expression to our spirituality.

Heart Magazine - Winter 2003 (Vol. 1 Number 3)

The Journey Is Always Home
The sound of home is a heartbeat, Or so we’re told by those who listen through the walls of watery wombs with stethoscopes to hear the mother rhythm Echo. Woosh, a -Woosh, a-Woosh. And then, first journey. Birth. First fussiness is calmed and soothed by heartbeat sound. A promise or a memory?..."
