Shirley Miller, RSCJ, submitted the following poem, by Carmen Smith, RSCJ, as one of her favorite devotions to Philippine:
Philippine, remind us of the green and growing moments.
Take us with you beyond the pain and winter cold to see you always young at heart.
Let us stand with you on the frontiers of our fears, sure, as you were,
that NOW is the acceptable time.
Touch us with your gallant spirit
that kept its youth until the very end
when you ran lightly as a girl to the God of your joy.
Your smile fills the words you left us as our heritage:
“I give you my heart, my soul and my life – oh, yes, my life – gladly.”
Make us daughters of such a mother, Heart of Jesus.
Keep us supple in spirit, growing in hope, rooted in your heart.
At the scent of water, may the oak break into bud
and put forth new branches as when it was first planted in America
In the strong young heart of Philippine.
Carmen Smith, RSCJ