Good and gracious God,
This is the day that you have made! Let us rejoice and be glad in it!
This day is the culmination of years of work: hours and hours of reading and writing, calculating and investigating, sharing and caring. Years filled with challenges and triumphs, losses and laughter, friendships and growth and prayer.
And now, these years are coming to a beautiful, joyful end.
Dear God of every good gift, bless these graduates, every one, and fill them with the Spirit of your love.
We pray that as they go out to make the world a better place, they may continue to share their personal and active faith in you, their God. May they continue to respect intellectual values and share the fruit of their knowledge. May their commitment to social awareness and action make a positive difference in our world. May they build community wherever they go and remain forever the important part of our community that they are today. And may they, through their ongoing growth in wisdom and grace, bring others to you as they share their talents in the wider world.
We ask you, who are a tender Father and Mother to us, to protect and guide these children of the Heart as, through their lives, they discover and reveal your love in our world.
We ask this in the name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, who binds us together with one another and with you, cor unum et anima una, forever and ever.