Under the pressure of over-activity which at times consumes us, disturbs us, or scatters our energies in doing what is visible and accidental, let us come to Mater.
She is the Mother of the Invisible and the Mother of the Essential. Let us ask her to detach us, to free us from all that is not important, to lead us on, and to fix our gaze upon the Invisible which her own eyes look upon.
May she give us the right understanding of the Essential and a hunger for it. One thing alone is necessary, the will of God and the work of God's love. May Mater give us this singleness of vision so that we, too, may see the Invisible and the Essential in all. Amen.
(Spend some time in silent reflection with Mater)
What do I want to ask of her?
~ Helen Rosenthal, RSCJ