Lent 2021
Enfolding and Grace
“Given as gift, our mission is a sacred work fulfilled only through the enfolding of it by each generation. This work of mission is greater than this moment, any of us, and all our individual and collective efforts. The realization of this incontrovertible truth is grace.”
- Goals and Criteria, Sacred Heart Schools United States and Canada, 2020 Introduction
The introduction to the 2020 Goals and Criteria has connected to my Lenten journey as I meditate on two words; enfolding and grace.
Enfolding; to cover, to hold, to embrace.
Grace; goodwill, elegance, a gift of love that invites us into relationship with God.
It’s been a year since the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic. In the last year, where Zoom and virtual meetups have replaced our physical gatherings and classrooms, I have come to enjoy and look for the signs and signals of the seasons to keep me grounded. I especially look forward to spring, where the crocus plants enfold and unfold, revealing the grace of their design.
Like the crocus in the spring, what have you overcome? How have you grown?
In March here in Michigan there is often a series of days that are unseasonably warm. During these days the crocus plants emerge, pushing through the cold and frozen ground, and, within days, the glory of the purple and white petals emerge. The emergence of these plants signals the end of winter and the ushering in of spring.
The fruits of the seed, the fruits of seasons, and the fruits from the vine and branches all fall to the ground for the sake of a harvest to come. In the fifth week of Lent, the Gospel of John 12: 20-33 reminds us that a rich harvest brings great love. Like the wheat seed that must die to bear fruit, the gift of the fruit is most profoundly realized on Easter Sunday.
Unfurling and enfolding, from dusk to dawn, the inner wonder and the fruits of the Spirit keep me rooted in my faith. Finding my feet, deep in the mud, allows a connection to the earth and a promise that the fruit will return, and new seeds, new life, and new seasons will emerge, enfold and grow. Surely, like the mighty force of spring and the grace of the fallen seed, I am drawn to the great mysteries and generous fruitfulness of God.
What brings you wonderment in spring?
What seeds are you planting this Lent?
Reflection: Korin Visocchi, executive director of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools
Image: photo taken by Korin in her hometown of Rochester, Michigan