Week 21 (August 9-15)
By Mary R Schumacher, RSCJ
From Seeking the One Whom We Love
Our journey through life
Experiences many highs and lows,
Mountains and valleys
Joy and tears
And across every bridge we grow in depth, desire, and wisdom.
As our hearts are wounded, pruned and loved.
We enter the bridge with trepidation and hope
Wondering how long it will take,
To journey to the other side.
Trusting in our past experience
We continue along the bridge of the unknown, as we come to a new center of our being
Our being loved and cared for
Allows us to become more loving, trusting and caring,
Out of this bridge and transition
I will discover once again
Who I am and how
The journey has prepared me for
A new destination.
Life’s many bridges
Call us forth
And lead us in new directions
To travel in ways
Of loving kindness
Toward others and ourselves