Poem to Saint Rose Philippine
Wonderful flower, you who daily nourish the faith and hope of millions of people.
Given a pure and generous soul, incarnated in your infinite goodness and love for people, such are you, O Saint Rose!
God decided to send you into the world on August 29th 1769. At the time of your birth, an old woman who was dying prophesied your birth as a shooting star passed over.
You gave yourself to caring for prisoners and all who were suffering, giving them peace, love and joy.
In your moments of prayer and solitude, you wrote to our Mother Sophie Barat, "When you say to me 'I send you' I shall reply, 'I will go immediately.'" That showed the depth of your vocation and your courage within the Society of the Sacred Heart.
Sophie Barat, your great friend, said to you, "When shall I know that you have reached that happy state in which God alone suffices, in which his holy will is the source of all our actions?"
Your perseverance in your desires is a worthy example not only for the students of this school but for all who are here present.
Thank you, simply thank you!
Kevin Jimenez, Student of U. E. Santa Magdalena Sofia, Caracas, VenezuelaImage: Artist Unknown