Birth: April 5, 1921
Profession: July 30, 1951
Death:January 9, 2022
Religious of the Sacred Heart, Mildred Peterkin, died January 9, 2022, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Born in 1921 in Regina, Saskatchewan, Mildred Peterkin was the daughter of Frank Edwin Peterkin and Mary Loretta Noonan. Sister Peterkin was predeceased by her parents, two brothers, Dr. David Peterkin and Reverend Allan Peterkin, SJ, as well as her only sister, Dr. Edith Peterkin of Belleville, Ontario. She is survived by one brother, John (Esme) of Winnipeg, and by several beloved nephews and nieces in Canada and the USA. She will be dearly missed especially by her nephew, Dr. Allan Peterkin of Toronto.
Sister Peterkin grew up in Winnipeg and was educated at St. Ignatius School and St. Mary’s Academy. Her academic work, begun at the University of Manitoba, was continued at the University of British Columbia and at the University of Toronto. After graduating from the University of Manitoba, she entered the Society of the Sacred Heart, in Albany, New York, USA in 1943. She made her first vows there in 1946 and her final profession in Rome, Italy, in 1951.
Over many years Sister Peterkin taught in Sacred Heart Schools across Canada, the Sault au Recollet and Atwater Avenue in Montreal, Vancouver, Winnipeg and Halifax. Sister Peterkin loved her students and in return was loved by them. For many years she taught English, History and Latin to the upper academic classes and was both principal and mistress of studies. Along with teaching, she had a long apostolate in liturgical music. She was an accomplished musician and organist, Bach being her favorite composer. Following a very successful career as a teacher, she engaged in pastoral hospital work, ecumenical concerns and instruction in ESL. Sister Peterkin was a quietly reflective person whose wisdom was given when sought! She loved gatherings and was always ready for fun. She will be dearly missed by all of her Sacred Heart sisters and family.
“After heading for heaven,” said Sister Peterkin, “I shall lovingly help and pray for all the Sacred Heart students I have taught and for all the children of the world. Our foundress, Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat, points the way to Christ’s Heart.”
Sister Peterkin spent the last seven years of her life at Caritas Residence where she was well loved by all who met her. She passed away peacefully there on Sunday, January 9, 2022, surrounded by the love and care of her sisters.
Because of Covid restrictions there will be no visitation. The funeral will be live-streamed; if you wish to attend, contact kking@rscj.org for the link. If you wish to attend in person, please contact Kim King at kking@rscj.org as we may have only 50 persons in attendance, and each person must be double vaccinated and show proof of vaccination at the door.
The funeral will be at St. Agnes Church, on Saturday, January 15, at 10:00 a.m. AST. In lieu of flowers, a donation to the Sacred Heart School of Montreal or to the Sacred Heart School of Halifax would be appreciated.
The Religious of the Sacred Heart wish to thank the Sisters of Charity of Halifax for their gracious welcome at Caritas Residence. We wish to convey our deepest gratitude to Mrs. Sharron Dolan for her wise and devoted medical attention and care of Sister Peterkin as well as all of her caregivers for their devotedness.
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