Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat (1779-1865): Founder of the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

If you know someone to whom you would like to introduce Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat, this is the book! Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat (1779-1865): Founder of the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a short biography that presents the essential facts of her life and significance for education and religious life. Written in response to many requests for something short on Sophie, it is suitable for young people, Associates, Sacred Heart alumnae/i, colleagues, and friends.

Lucile Mathevon, RSCJ (1793-1876): Friend of the Potawatomi


Biographer and historian of the American frontier, Louise Callan, RSCJ, wrote in 1935: 

And through the whole of this, like a golden thread binding it into unity, runs the character of our greatest Indian missionary nun, Mother Lucile Mathevon - a novice of Mother Duchesne, foundress of the house of St. Charles (1828), and for about 35 years the very heart and soul of the Indian Mission.

This book details the life and ministry of Sister Mathevon, focusing most prominently on her relationship with the Potawatomi.

Prophetic Witnesses to Joy

A life of consecration prefigures what Christians hope for by calling into question the value of power, sexuality and material possessions. Religious life challenges the idea that these things alone bring happiness and shows that we can be more fulfilled, happier and more whole without being attached to them. Furthermore, detaching ourselves from these desires allows others to live with more dignity and greater ease, as well. Consecrated life, then, is a prophetic witness to the joy of the eschatological call of Christianity.

'The Meal That Reconnects: Eucharistic Eating and the Global Food Crisis'

In The Meal That Reconnects, Dr. Mary E. McGann, RSCJ, invites readers to a more profound appreciation of the sacredness of eating, the planetary interdependence that food and the sharing of food entails, and the destructiveness of the industrial food system that is supplying food to tables globally.

'Do Not Forget What Your Eyes Have Seen'

For 30 years, Sister Shirley Miller, has seen and heard God in every person she met on her journey through life. Wherever she has encountered them — in the mountains, by oceans and rivers, at the countryside, and in classrooms — she has been enriched by what people have revealed to her. “Each day we are given opportunities to see beauty all around us,” says Sister Shirley. “All we have to do is pay attention.” This book is an invitation to do just that. You don’t need a camera, just an attentive heart.

