(e.g. 2019-12-01)

Statement on United States Declaration of National Emergency

February 20, 2019

At the 2016 General Chapter, the international Society of the Sacred Heart reaffirmed its commitment: “To revitalize our unity in diversity and to act as one Body, dynamic, interconnected, linked with other bodies, in the world and as Church, in order to share, collaborate, and be in solidarity a

LCWR Statement on Sexual Abuse by Catholic Sisters

February 14, 2019

As a member of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), the Society of the Sacred Heart echoes and affirms the statement released by LCWR on sexual abuse by Catholic sisters.

Elaine Abels, RSCJ, honored at The Sarah Community

January 24, 2019

This January, members of The Sarah Community, a retirement facility in Bridgeton, Missouri, thanked and honored Elaine Abels, RSCJ, at their annual Founders’ Day Award Ceremony as she concludes 12 years of service to the community.

2019 Participants with Gail O’Donell, RSCJ, and Gina Rodee, RSCJ

RSCJ join provincial staff for Busy Person’s Retreat

January 22, 2019

This January, Gail O’Donell, RSCJ, and Gina Rodee, RSCJ, facilitated a Busy Person’s Retreat (BPR), a Sacred Heart retreat tradition within the province and Network schools for over 10 years, at the provincial office in St. Louis, Missouri.

RSCJ receives award on behalf of Protecting South Portland

January 18, 2019

On Monday, December 3, 2018, at the John Joseph Moakley Courthouse on Boston’s waterfront, the Conservation Law Foundation of New England (CLF) honored Protect South Portland (PSP) for their work to ban the transportation of tar sands oil through the Portland Montreal pipeline through the city’s
