Update from Our Sisters in Puerto Rico
October 16, 2017
“Wood hath hope,” said Job.
We Puerto Ricans say the same.
October 16, 2017
“Wood hath hope,” said Job.
We Puerto Ricans say the same.
October 16, 2017
The Society of the Sacred Heart in the United States and Canada began – as did so many American institutions – with an immigrant. Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne left her home in France in 1818 with a desire to educate the poor, especially the indigenous people of America.
September 26, 2017
“Times Change,” written by Susan Putman Maxwell, RSCJ, is an apt description of the developments in schools of the Society of the Sacred Heart and other Catholic schools throughout the world in the era since the Second Vatican Council of the Catholic Church.
September 6, 2017
The Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) shares the disappointment of millions of people across the country who had hoped and prayed that President Trump would continue the protection offered Dreamers by Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
August 23, 2017
The sale of Kenwood Convent of the Sacred Heart in Albany, N.Y., owned by the Society of the Sacred Heart since 1859, was finalized on August 21, 2017. A limited liability corporation, Kenwood Commons LLC, purchased the property for an undisclosed amount.
August 14, 2017
[Orlando, FL] At the annual assembly of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR),* held August 8-11, 768 participants explored the assembly theme of “Being the Presence of Love: The Power of Transformation.”Drawing on the rich heritage of contemplation in which these Catholic sisters a
June 12, 2017
As Religious of the Sacred Heart in the United States – Canada Province, we are called by our recent Chapter Documents to stand in solidarity with “those who have been wounded, displaced, and excluded because of poverty, violence, and environmental degradation.”
May 5, 2017
A friend of the RSCJ in Canada, Christine Gervais, Ph.D. studies women religious and has just annouonced the release her new book entitled Beyond the Altar: Women Religious.
April 6, 2017
Convent & Stuart Hall Schools of the Sacred Heart reently took a high school co-ed curriculum trip to Italy, which included a visit to the moastery at Trinita dei Monti.
March 6, 2017
During the February break, faculty and staff of Convent & Stuart Hall traveled to Cuba to learn about the country and retrace the steps of Sacred Heart on the island. Meeting with a number of RSCJ, the experience was especially timely given the upcoming bicentennial of St.