Philippine Duchesne: Celebrating Her Life and Legacy
July 12-16, 2017
Saint Louis University Busch Student Center
20 N Grand Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63103
Reflections on the Spirituality Forum
The Sacred Heart Spirituality Forum 2017 is entered into the archives.
More than 360 participants travelling from some 24 countries came to the Missouri campus of Saint Louis University, July 12-16, 2017. They came ready to open their minds and hearts to Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne. In deepening their knowledge of her, the participants themselves were invited to cross new frontiers: intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.
Keynote speakers, breakout groups, liturgies, meals and prayers in common were part of the experience of Cor Unum/One Heart, in the Heart of Jesus. For many the renewing of old and making new relationships, opened the possibility for lives to be enriched and energized to reveal anew the Society’s charism in the light of Philippine’s lasting legacy.
Click here for some participants’ comments that reflect the various perspectives of the Forum: RSCJ, international, Associates, alums, friends, network faculty/administration and students. We share them in deep gratitude for the many graces received. We look forward with hope for the many more graces awaiting us during this blessed 200th anniversary celebration of Saint Philippine Duchesne crossing frontiers.
~ The Forum Steering Committee
Kathy McGrath, RSCJ (Chair); Mary Charlotte Chandler, RSCJ; Matthew Anita MacDonald, SSJ; Rhonda Meegan; Diane Roche, RSCJ; Julie Siderfin; and Margie Strom, RSCJ
Click here for a story about a treasured gift the province received during the Forum!
Featured speakers
Catherine Mooney
Lives That Matter: Philippine Duchesne and Solidarity Across Frontiers
Gerardette Philips, RSCJ
Crossing Religious Frontiers: Discovering Anew the Interior Life
Priscilla Solomon, CSJ
All My Relations: Circle of Life
Click here for more information about our keynote speakers.
Breakout sessions
The more than 30 breakout sessions offered by RSCJ from USC and International provinces, associates, alumni, faculty and friends spanned myriad topics, several in Spanish. For example: the friendship of Sophie and Philippine; life in Sugar Creek; how RSCJ pray; the Black Madonna; Pope Francis’ Laudato Si from a scientist’s perspective; confront immigration or trafficking from an insiders point of view; explore the Potawatomi Trail of Death in preparation to make a commemorative walk; experience the power of silence in our lives; make a joyful sound with music; learn the meditative walk of a labyrinth; delve into the spirituality of Philippine; the influence upon Philippine by St. John Francis Regis; the artwork of indigenous people; how RSCJ have made a difference in Cuba; or how they are following the footsteps of Philippine in the new Philippine Region of the International Society.
Click here for a photo album of the Society of the Sacred Heart Spirituality Forum 2017
Click here for a photo album of the Pilgrimage to Kansas following the Spirituality Forum