(e.g. 2019-12-01)

Juneteenth 2020: A message from United States – Canada Province

June 19, 2020

Juneteenth is a day honored and celebrated in the United States, as it marks the final proclamation, in 1865 in Texas, that enslaved persons were free. One hundred and fifty-five years later, the residual effects of enslavement are present and visible throughout the United States.

I can’t breathe

By Sergio Vasquez, Associate, New Orleans, Associates Leadership Team

June 10, 2020

"At the same physical place in the same chronological time." I sat at Mass on the Feast of Pentecost and was struck by these words of the homilist, Fr. Greg Walthrop, SJ, unpacking the readings. The disciples had gathered in fear and yet something remarkable took place.
