(e.g. 2019-12-01)

Congratulations, Juliet Mousseau, RSCJ!

January 22, 2020

Juliet Mousseau, RSCJ, and eight other RSCJ will profess their final vows on January 26, 2020. With great joy, we invite you to join us in thought and prayer as we celebrate their Perpetual Profession in the Society of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Those professing their vows are:

Celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. 2020: What you can do

January 17, 2020

This holiday is meant for us to remember. To remember Martin Luther King's stance on justice and peace – a message relevant for today. Also, it is a day to revisit his letter from Birmingham Jail. These three quotes below are just a sampling of his wisdom for us today:

Photo by John Towner on Unsplash

'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker': All stories are true

By Kim King, RSCJ

January 10, 2020

Long ago, in a state far, far away from where I am now, I was in the backseat of our family VW, riding home from the original Star Wars movie, A New Hope, and looking up at the night sky, thinking … All of that is happening up there … maybe … but wow … what if it’s true??.

Merry Christmas from the USC Province 2019

December 18, 2019

Christmas 1819 in Florissant

The transfer from the bishop’s farm to the new convent in the village happened December 23 and 24, 1819, in very cold, snowy weather.

What it means to be an Associate

By Yvonne Chow, San Francisco/Menlo Associate

December 10, 2019

As I look back on my almost 20 years of Associate life, I am grateful that my life has been changed in these five areas...

Students working with RSCJ

Students create stained glass window in honor of Philippine

By Brian Bell, Assistant Principal - Student Life, Schools of the Sacred Heart, Atherton

December 5, 2019

I teach a stained glass workshop course, and I worked with our high school art students over the last three semesters to fabricate a group project in honor of Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne.

USC Province hosts anti-racism gathering

By Erin Everson

November 22, 2019

On Saturday, November 16, 35 people, representing the various identities within our Sacred Heart family – alumnae, Associates, descendants of persons enslaved by the Society, educators, partners and colleagues in mission, RSCJ – gathered with facilitators, Patricia Chappell and Anne-Louise Nadeau
