(e.g. 2019-12-01)
Janet Anderson (left), Mary Halsey (right)

Provincial Team names new director of finance and controller

January 8, 2019

The Provincial Team is pleased to announce that Janet Anderson has been named the new director of finance in the United States for the United States – Canada Province. In addition, the team welcomes Mary Halsey as the new controller for the province.

RSCJ accompany Potawatomi on the “trail of death”

October 22, 2018

Every five years since 1983, the Potawatomi have organized a caravan to retrace the Trail of Death. They stop at many of the places of encampment to do ceremonies and to remember the dead. Since 2018 is the bicentennial of Saint Rose Philippine’s arrival in the United States in 1818, the Religious of the Sacred Heart asked to join the Potawatomi on their caravan as part of our own remembering of Saint Philippine and our mission to the native peoples.

RSCJ Cemetery rededicated in Lake Forest

October 22, 2018

Saturday, September 29, 2018, at noon was a special moment in the RSCJ Cemetery in Lake Forest, Illinois.

What had been a gloomy, cold day suddenly became sunlit and beautiful as 64 people gathered to bless the refurbished cemetery of 154 RSCJ who served Chicago and Lake Forest beginning in 1856.
